Julien had an "Early Release" day at school today, so I picked him up and, for a special treat, we went to a driving range to hit some golf balls. He had the little Nike club that he's been swinging at wiffle balls in the back yard, and finally got to hit some real balls with it. (I tried to find him a wood to go with his "mid-iron, but Target didn't have them anymore...) Anyway, here are some photos of him in action:

Setting up (Remember your grip, Julien...)

At the top. Pretty nice form, there.

Coming down. Feet got out of position there, somehow...

And the follow through. Also nice form.
He didn't really get any up in the air, and none very far (I think he rolled one out to about the 75 yard range.) But he seemed to enjoy it, and was getting the hang of it a little better toward the end. Might have to look around for a couple more clubs for him...