Sofia's 5th birthday is coming up, and she told us she wanted to go to San Francisco and ride the cable cars. We had a free weekend over Halloween, so decided to go down Saturday, see the city, stay with Mich's Aunt Buttons in Berkeley, and come back Sunday. After Halloween a day early in Carson City, we got up as early as we could and headed out. Got to Berkeley, collected Aunt Buttons, and headed to BART. Here's Julien steppin' out for the day:

Rode the train over to the city, got out at Powell, took a look at the cable car line, and decided to walk up to Chinatown. Had a nice little stroll:

Found the entrance to Chinatown:

Had a lunch of dim sum, did a little shopping, and continued walking across the city down to the water. Our eventual destination was Ghiradelli Square for some dessert, but it sure took us a while to find it. Sofia had some shoulder rides before we go there. Perked right up after an ice cream, though, as I'm sure you can see in these pictures...

Wow. Sugar high. We mooched around a little in line for the cable cars - Sofia danced to a guitar guy, and Julien outsmarted a card trick guy - and rode back to the BART station. Getting a little tired by this point...

But we managed to get in a little more trick or treating in Berkeley (on actual Halloween,) and a nice little dinner. Up the next morning for a quick breakfast, and back to Reno. Fun little trip, I hope Sofia had a nice birthday celebration. Seems like she did...