Saturday, December 16, 2006


Finally finished The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear, which I'd been working on for awhile. What a crazy book! Just a giant flight of fancy, the product of a hyperactive imagination. Really hard to describe this book - I've heard it compared to Douglas Adams, but that's not quite right - it doesn't have any of the social commentary of Adams of Terry Pratchett. In fact, I kept trying to make the book have some deeper meaning, but it seems like it's just a big pile of fun. This is a book that I would recommend to certain people, but I'm not sure why - it was a really engaging read, and made me chuckle all the way through.
Apparently there's a sequel, too, Rumo: And His Miraculous Adventures. I'm going to wait a while before starting in on that one...

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