One of the few things that I keep any kind of baking pre-mix around the house for is pancakes. I use low-fat Bisquick, throw in an egg, milk and whatever else I feel like, and have a pretty good little breakfast for the kids. Glancing around online, though, I see a whole bunch of recipes to make your own Bisquick-like mix - might try one of those and see how it works. Anyway, this morning, I was inspired and made some Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip-Oatmeal-Banana Pancakes. Yum...
Couple of pancake hacks that I use:
1. If using banana, mash it up first. Then break egg into it and beat all together.
2. If I put chocolate chips in, the pancakes are usually sweet enough that the kids will eat them without the sticky
HFCS mess that is syrup.
3. I use mini chocolate chips; otherwise Sofia just digs the chips out and leaves cratered pancakes on her plate...
4. Another popular pancake option is (if the pancakes don't have peanut butter in them) to make little peanut butter pancake sandwiches, and eat them with our hands.