Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Dining in the dark

No, we didn't jet to Paris to visit "Dans le Noir", the restaurant where you eat in the dark served by a blind waitstaff. We were out to dinner last night at an Outback restaurant in Sparks with Ken and Gail (had a gift card to use.) The lights flickered once right before our salads came, then as we were eating our salads, they went out for good. Our dinners were ready, so they brought them out and we ate in the dark. Kinda fun. They were turning people away from the door, though, so we were pretty sure the lights weren't coming back on. Eventually our very gracious server told us they were having problems with their credit card systems as well, so we scoured our wallets and came up with enough to pay the bill. We walked back out into the VERY windy night to an almost apoctalyptic scene. There were sirens screaming by on the street, debris blowing by, and a nearby hilltop was on fire (a transformer failure, we learned later.) Pretty exciting night, though - we went home and got candles ready just in case, but we never lost power at our house.

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