One of the things we made a point of doing on our recent vacation was get in a few rounds of golf. It was kind of cool the way it worked out; we started small and worked our way up.
The first place we played was the
Pub Course at Edgefield, where we stayed Sunday night. It's a 17-hole pitch and putt course - the longest hole was 90 yards, but most were more like 60. All you need is a wedge, a putter, and a few balls. Here's the clubhouse:

Here's the view from the tee box on one of the holes on the back 9 - as you can see, you hit off the mats:

It was a pretty squelchy day, and wet grass is kind of a phobia of Mich's. I thought it was hilarious when her ball got stuck under this tree, and with every swing, she got sprinkled on. Nice guy, I know...

Anyway, we played OK, and had fun with it. Sure wish there was a short course like that here in Reno.
The next place we played was near McMinnville, at the
Bayou Golf Club. It's an OK course, pretty cheap green fees, which we were happy for later in the week. Kind of winds through some swampy area, hence the name "Bayou" I think. Didn't get any pictures of it - we both played pretty bad, and didn't feel like taking any. I think I shot a 96 - it's been awhile since I haven't broken 95. I'm usually right around 90, hopefully just under.
The golf finale was in Sunriver, at the course where I worked for 7 summers in the 90's, the
Woodlands. Course is the same, but it's changed a bit since I worked there - much more up-market. For one thing, when I worked there, the public green fee was $65 - Now it's $135. Sure, it's ten years later, but that seems quite a jump. That said, everything was much nicer - someone came out to clean your clubs, the range balls were free and waiting for you at the range, and the course was in REALLY good shape. New restrooms on the course as well. I guess I was inspired, because I shot a 40 on the front 9, and bogeyed 7,8 and 9 to do that. Best 9 I've played in a long time. Totally lost my rhythm on the back 9 and shot a 52. Mich did the opposite - improved by 12 strokes on the back 9. The only picture I took on the course was from the 6th tee:

Kind of a boring picture, but makes me proud - I cleared that bunker with my drive and had about 180 left on the par 5. Chuffed the approach shot, though, and ended up making par.
So we had some fun playing golf - wish we had more time to do it at home. Mich is pretty fun to play with; she has a good attitude about the game. Out for fun - not too serious, but enjoys hitting good shots.