Tuesday, August 14, 2007

OR Vacation - Itinerary

Well, instead of doing on big huge post about our recent vacation, I 've decided to do a bunch of little posts on different topics of it. I'll start, though, with a basic itinerary to give an idea of where we were:

Saturday, August 4
Left Reno at about 4:30 am, heading to Vancouver. Had breakfast in Ashland, a quick ice cream stop at Prince Pucklers in Eugene, and got to Vancouver at about 2:00 or so. Got the kids set up with my parents, ran a couple errands, and headed to ou friend's Karl and Brandi's house in Portland for their Biergarten party. Saw lots of friends, had a great time. Stayed at Karl and Brandi's.

Sunday, August 5
Had a nice breakfast with Karl and Brandi, then went back to Vancouver and collected the kids. Went to some other Portland friends, Matt and Rachel's house for their son Nathan's first birthday. Had yummy cupcakes, let kids play. Took the kids back to my parents in Vancouver and headed to Edgefield. Had dinner and stayed there.

Monday, August 6
Breakfast at Edgefield, the 17 holes of golf on their par 3 "Pub Course". Some pstcard writing and gift shopping, then drove to McMinnville, where we found our B&B. Dinner at a local microbrewery, and Bourne Ultimatum at the theater.

Tuesday, August 7
Run in the morning for Turi. Breakfast at the B&B, then some golf near McMinnville. Nap in the afternoon, then dinner at the Joel Palmer House.

Wednesday, August 8
B&B Breakfast, then it some balls and chipping at the golf course. Visited the Air Museum near McMinnville and saw the Spruce Goose. North to wine country - lunch at Tina's in Dundee. Drove through some vineyards, but didn't stop. Nap at the B&B, some pool at the Hotel Oregon. Dinner at La Rambla, a tapas bar.

Thursday, August 9
Finished up at the B&B, then headed east. Stopped at the OGA Golf course near I5, but didn't play. Continued on to Bend, then Sunriver. Checked in to our house, got some groceries, and relaxed. Had dinner at the house.

Friday, August 10
Breakfast at the house, then golf at the Sunriver Woodlands. Into Bend for lat lunch at the Brewery, then back to Sunriver to relax at the house.

Saturday, August 11
Met parents and the kids in Bend around noon, had a picnic on the river. Back to Sunriver to play for awhile. Dinner at the house there with everyone.

Sunday, August 12
Turi had early race in Bend. Everyone else met him there afterwards, then drove south to drop Ken and Gail off for PCT hike. Shuttled car to hike end, then back to Reno. Got home about 9:00. Started laundry.


SnowLeopard said...

Wow! This seems like a full itinerary, but with the perfect blend of relaxation mixed in. Probably didn't feel like you needed to take a vacation from your, eh? :)

Turi Becker said...

Could've used a day to unpack and do laundry and stuff before going back to work, though...