Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Book cover mistake

I just finished cataloging a cart of books, and realized that two of them had views of the White House featured prominently. As I looked closer, I realized they were different views. Final Finesse, by Karna Small Bodman, shows a flamed-up view of the south facade:

And Marine One, by James Huston, has a military helicopter swooping over the north lawn:

Problem is, the blurb inside the front cover of Marine One starts "The president rushes across the South Lawn in a pounding thunderstorm to Marine One to fly to Camp David..."

Not sure who outside of my father is going to get a kick out of this, but I thought it was funny...


Karna Bodman said...

It's interesting to see the cover art of my thriller, FINAL FINESSE, compared to one by James W. Huston -- one of my favorite authors. About a North shot of the White House vs. the line about landing on the South Lawn -- the problem is: most graphic artists never read our books -- they just create great pictures and we authors rarely have much of a say in the final cover. So in spite of the difference here, I'm sure his story is terrific (and I hope you like mine too!)...Karna Bodman

SnowLeopard said...

Another author comment! Awesome! And who else but you would catch something like this? Probably not many people outside of Washington~

Turi Becker said...

And now we see if James Huston has a Google Alert on his name, too. Thanks for the comment and explanation, Mrs. Bodman. Figured it was something like that. But it's still fun to nitpick...