Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Gum Thief

I had no idea that Douglas Coupland had a new book out until I noticed this the other day. I really enjoy his work, despite the fact that his author photos remind me of my egocentric high-school Honors English teacher. His sense of humor as well, which is a good thing. Anyway, The Gum Thief is a twisty little story told through letters, diaries, emails and a recurring work of fiction-in-progress. It's the story of a middle-aged "failure" and a young goth-y girl who meet while working at an office-supply superstore and basically ignore each other other than their batting diary entries back and forth. It's fun most of the time, deep at times, and left me with a pretty good feeling.

Book 74


SnowLeopard said...

Diary entries? So they weren't writing to each other, just sharing their previous written thoughts on a variety of subjects? Nice to have someone to share your views on life with...

Anonymous said...

Won't your High School Honors English teacher find this comment on the web and be offended?

Turi Becker said...

Aww, I could barely remember his name. Then I did, and looked him up. Apparently, he's a YA author and still lives in the Minneapolis area...