Sunday, July 8, 2007

Boyz Trip 4

Eventually we had breakfast, broke camp down and got loaded up into the kayaks:

Here's our approximate route on the first day of paddling.

It had stopped raining during the night, so we weren't paddling in the rain at this point. After an hour or two, we stopped for a break:

We scouted out a place called Mink Island for campsites, but it was really boggy, so we decided to make the crossing of Nellie Juan Sound to look for sites on the south shore. Took us about an hour and a half to cross, and the first few sites we looked at weren't very good. The map showed something called "Cannery Ruins" nearby, which we decided to check out, but it was kind of creepy. Eventually, we found a site that was small and cozy (and buggy), but was our best option. Here's a good idea of how much gear we still had along at that point:

Did I mention this campsite was buggy? Note the headnets that we were wearing in that last photo. I'd never worn one before, but let me tell you - they are hot and itchy, and interfere with your view. (Definitely better than getting swarmed, though.) Here's a Turi's-eye view through my net:

Like I said, it was a cozy little camp. We actually had to move a big log a few feet out of the way so we could get all our tents above the high tide mark. We usually liked to have a bit more separation between the tents, especially the snoring/smelly tent (I won't name names.) But there was a water source nearby, and it all worked out pretty well.

The next morning we had breakfast, packed up (seemed to be a lot of that), and headed out. (Around noon; the days were getting later already.) Here's our route for the second day on the water. Greg caught another fish that day; we put it on a stringer and towed it to our next campsite.

Had a nice lunch break:

With a great view:

Just left of center on that panorama is where we were headed: Derickson Bay. Here's the landing party pulling up:

And the campsite that we set up:

OK, enough for this post. To be continued...

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