Friday, February 2, 2007

Wear red

Today was national Wear Red Day, to raise awareness of women's heart disease. Almost all of our staff did wear red, and we took this picture, which I got to tweak a little. Made a b&w layer over the color photo, then erased the b&w over the parts I wanted to be in color. I think it came out pretty nice - good enough that I tried this with a picture of the outside of the library. Fun stuff - I'm only scratching the surface with the GIMP, but this was a pretty easy project, so I can't wait to learn more.


Anonymous said...

You forgot Barbara's shoe! this is such a great photo- very creative of you to even think of something like this. I think we should take staff pictures more often, maybe wearing our signature color, or all blue or something.
Wouldn't that be fun!

Turi Becker said...

Actually, it was Barbara's idea - she remembered me telling her about a blog post I was reading on how to do it ( ), and suggested I give it a try. Can't believe I forgot her shoe...