Wednesday, February 7, 2007

You: The Owners Maual

You: The Owners Manual was another one of those non-fiction books that I felt I should read, just to get a sense of what all the fuss was about. Turned out pretty interesting; I certainly learned a few things about the workings of our bodies. Seems pretty sane and well thought out; the one thing that kind of irked me was the silly, cartoony illustrations that seemed to offer as much humorous misinformation as actual help. Oh well. the author, Michael Roizen, followed this up with You: On a Diet. I'll bet that would be a pretty sane diet book, too, if one were looking or that kind of thing.

Book 9

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what did you learn? Just how wierd and gross the human bady actually is? I could have told you that...