Friday, January 19, 2007

Ask The Pilot

Wow, I've got like three books that I'm within 15 pages of finishing. Expect some book posts upcoming.

This one is called Ask The Pilot by Patrick Smith. It's a collection (or distillation) of essays about flying, from the point of view of a pilot. Now, I tend to think of myself as a pretty level-headed flier. I don't freak out unnecessarily, and I figure that pilots and flight crews know what they're doing 95% of the time (can't say the same for security screeners.) This book is well written for me, as well as for someone who is freaked out about flying. Basically: Airlines in the US are extremely regulated; if you sense anything wrong on a flight, you are over-reacting. There are enough buffers built in to the system to take care of things. Pilots are blue-collar professionals, not pampered primadonnas. In fact, there is precious little romance left in the industry, more's the pity. Good non-fiction, very informative.

(Book 4)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or is this just what they want you to think? Maybe I should read this book- or you could just tell me what it says- 'cause I was having a bit of a hard time with the turblence on my flight to Vegas last weekend... Good to know that we are safe, except from the occasional terrorist...